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There is no comparison, because ClickDate is a sophisticated matchmaking service. It goes well in comparison to 100 percent free dating sites. There’s a real difference between just wanting a date versus really wanting to spend time with some new people who really “get you” and vice versa:
First of all ClickDate utilizes user preferences to suggest a better partner. Clicks within the app all serve to match you with someone you’ll be able to relate to and possibly want to move beyond friends. The app will add the face types you prefer to the other characteristics that you like, click on and read, in building your profile and in matching you with others. Based on every minute statistic, ClickDate uses the latest technology to suggest better and better potential partners the more you use it. It’s intuitive and powerful.
Also ClickDate uses a natural, real live approach, which is based on your daily live experience and behaviors. Unlike other dating system models that pretend to understand the chemistry necessary to really “click,” we use every minute aspect of the actual time and energy you spend in the app to suggest better partners.
In this way, the matches you get are based on how someone really is, not on who they think they would like to be. Most importantly we base matches not just on answered questions, but on how you use the app and what you gravitate toward.
Furthermore, we respect your time. Did you know that on most dating apps, 70% of visitors don’t complete the initial questions because there are too many and they often seem superfluous? Therefore we only ask you to answer a few main questions about the partner you’re looking to meet.
What Makes the ClickDate Approach So Powerful?
Of course, you’re not looking for a person that 100% likes you. How boring would that be? Most of us are looking for positive differences and traits that complement our own, because the purpose of relationship is to develop a heartfelt connection, to bring out the best in each other, to be a real part of each other’s lives in positive ways. In contrast to 100 percent free dating sites, ClickDate combines modern psychology with behaviorism to make the best partner suggestions possible. Our deep-learning artificial intelligence system doesn’t just ask questions — it learns what your true preferences are based on your behavior, likes, patterns and psyche, and shows you the best matches instantly.Therefore, you receive simple, fast feedback – in the form of suggested matches with your today’s date – based on your clicks. As a result, with ClickDate, you have a real shot at meeting your true love face to face.
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Behaviorism, approaches, and strategies, have proved to be very useful when pairing different people. Behaviorism is a modern psychological approach that holds that the study of a person’s behavior can be used to unearth the individual’s most deep-seated desires.
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Looking for love? There is a dizzying amount of dating advice out there. But with the help of our articles you'll find lasting love and build a worthwhile relationship. You can overcome your obstacles. Finding the right person is just the beginning of the journey. In order to move from casual dating to a loving relationship, you need to keep that new connection. These tips can help put you on the path to finding a healthy, loving relationship that lasts forever.