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In the past decade, the internet has become more accessible all over Ghana to the point that more than half the country uses the internet on a daily basis. While this has had many benefits, it has also come with its own share of drawbacks. One of the negative things that have come from this is the rise of Ghana romance scams.

Romance scams in Ghana have become quite rampant and a lot of people are falling victim to this vice. There are plenty of young Ghanaian men and women who spend their days on Facebook and dating sites looking for divorced and widowed women and men on the other side of the world who they can scam. In this article, we’ll take a deeper look at Ghana romance scams, why they happen, and what to look out for.

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Overview of Romance Scams in Ghana

When you walk into any internet Cafe in Ghana, you will likely find it full of teenage boys or young men in front of each screen, logged into various dating sites under multiple fake profiles. These teenagers, also referred to as ‘browsers’ or ‘cafe boys’ in Ghana, are not interested in finding love at all.

What they are looking for is middle-aged and elderly men andwomen from the US, Canada, and Australia that they can trick into sending themmoney.

Scamming has become quite popular amongst Ghanaian youthespecially since the unemployment rate in the country is ever high To make endsmeet, young Ghanaian men and women are turning to the internet to findpotential victims to scam.

According to the FBI, the scamming business has really grownin West Africa and the scammers are raking in millions of dollars every yearfrom scams alone.

Reasons why romance scams happen in Ghana

1. Unemployment

Ghana has one of the highest unemployment rates in WestAfrica. There are millions of young people in Ghana without jobs or ways tomake a proper living. This has led to many Ghanaians turning to scams as theirsource of income. Some of the youth in Ghana see scamming as the only way theycan make a living.

2. Availability of smartphones

Chinese smartphone manufacturers have flooded the Ghanaianmarket with extremely cheap smartphones to the point that almost everyone inGhana owns one. These smartphones can access all the dating sites in the worldwhich has made it easier for scammers to do their business.

3. Cheap internet

Compared to most countries, internet rates in Ghana arequite cheap. Even unemployed people can afford to buy the internet they need torun their scams.

4. Lack of regulation

The local law enforcement agencies in Ghana do not really care about scammers. In fact, most of them don’t consider it a crime especially if the scams are done against white people from the western countries. Even though it is a crime, those engaging in scams have nothing to worry about as they never face any consequences for their actions.

How Ghana Romance Scams work

If you have ever been scammed, you know that you never really know what’s going on until the whole thing is done. Ghanaian scammers are really smart and have come up with various genius tricks to get people hooked. Some of them include:

1. Dating site scams

This is the most common type of scam in Ghana. The scammer uses a dating site to find potential victims and then uses a fake profile to carry out the scams. The most common websites used include Match.com, ChristianMingle.com, BabyBoomerPeopleMeet.com, OutTime.com, PlentyofFish.com, eHarmony.com, and Facebook. These types of scams can go on for months or even years as the scammer tries to gain the trust of their target.

2. Military scams

These are among the most common scam formats with the highest success rate. The scammer pretends to be a member of the military of the target victim’s country serving in Ghana. For instance, if the scammer’s target is an American, the scammer will pretend to be a US military man serving in Ghana or another nearby African country. The scammers search for pictures of real US military agents to accompany their dating site profiles.

3. WhatsApp groups

Scammers use WhatsApp groups to help each other becomebetter scammers. For instance, they use such groups to share tips on mimickingvarious accents to trick their victims.

4. Live Chat

This is a common trick used by scammers to extract moneyfrom their targets. The scammers will promise their targets a live chat butonly if they send them money to buy the equipment they need to make it happen.

5. The ask

Ultimately, a Ghanaian scammer is after money and they will do anything to trick their victims into sending them money. Sometimes they may ask for it a few days after ‘meeting’ you while in other cases, they can wait for months before asking for it. It depends on how they play the scam.


Signs of a Ghana Romance Scam

Some scams can be so perfectly orchestrated that you never actually find out about them until it’s way too late. However, this is not the case for most Ghana romance scams. If you are keen enough, you will be able to detect a Ghanaian scam from a mile away. The following are tips on what to look out for:

1. Inconsistent stories

Scammers usually use fake profiles with fake informationthat they can hardly keep track of unless they’re really good at it. If you arekeen, you will definitely find some inconsistencies with their stories. Forexample, in one conversation the scammer could tell you that he’s a 30-year-olddoctor and in another, they say they’re a 32-year old surgeon. Go over yourchats and see if there are any inconsistencies.

2. You’ve never met and now they love you

No matter what anyone tries to convince you, it’s not reallypossible for humans to fall in love without ever meeting face to face. Thinkabout it; would you fall in love with someone you’ve never met before? If so,there’s something wrong with you. We all know that online personas are far fromwhat people are really like in real life.

3. It seems too good to be true

Scammers usually target old and vulnerable people who theyknow are desperate for love and affection. They set up their profiles in such away that the target views them as the perfect match. If someone you met onlinereally likes you and it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Forinstance, if you are an old 50-year old woman and suddenly a young 24-year oldhandsome Ghanaian man has fallen head over heels for you, it’s probably a scam.Think twice before you proceed.

4. Your online friend is plagued with medical problems

In an attempt to extract money from you, scammers will fillyour inbox with sob stories of how they or a close member of their family isstruggling with medical issues that require loans from you to sort out. Nomatter how desperate they sound, never send money to anyone you’ve never met.

5. Grammar mistakes

Employed Women Dating In Usa For First Time

Most Ghanaians engaging in scams are usually illiterate orreally poor at grammar which is one of the reasons why they can’t get employed.Their grammar will not match their supposed education level or life station.

6. They are against a live video chat

One of the best ways to know if someone you met online iswho they say they are is through a live chat. Through a live chat, you canactually see the person’s face and compare it to the pictures they’ve used onthe dating website profile. If you are dealing with a scammer, they will alwayshave excuses on why the live chat is not possible. Some will claim that theylack proper equipment for live video chats, others will always have connectionissues, while you may not be able to see others clearly.

7. When your friend runs into serious trouble just as theyare about to meet you

Some of the best scammers will carry out the scam for months trying to get your trust so that they can finally gain you to do their bidding in the end. You could be bonding with your online friend for months but just as they are about to fly from Ghana to your location to be with you, they suddenly run into some trouble that requires some money to sort out. It could be anything; some may say they got into an accident while others may say they got detained by immigration and they need some money to sort out the issue so that you can finally be together.

Could You Be A Victim Of A Ghana Romance Scam?!

It is important that you perform a quick background check on who you are actually speaking to on the internet (you can do that here). The common questions that spring to mind are:

  • Are they using fake identities?
  • Am I really speaking to a real person from the USA?

To help the users of this site we have partnered with BeenVerified so you can check exactly that. This checking service reveals everything about this would be romance scammer and if they are a real person!

Helpful Information Available on BeenVerified:

  • Arrest Records (Please check this!)
  • Photos (Helps check if same photos are used for multiple profiles with different names)
  • Email Addresses
  • Phone Numbers
  • Social Profiles (IMPORTANT – Do they have a real social profile or multiple)
  • Home Addresses
  • Relatives & Associates
  • Sex Offenders Register (Be safe who you are meeting!)
  • And More…

If you have the slightest doubt about who you are speaking to… Please use this service!

What to do if you are a victim of a Scam

After falling victim to a Ghanaian scam, there is not reallymuch you can do about it especially with regards to recovering any money yousent. Law enforcement officers in Ghana do not really care much about onlinescams and most of the time they won’t do anything even if you report it.However, you should still report it and hope for the best.

Young adults who would like to get married naturally start looking for love in the community they live in, but in some parts of the country, the odds may be against them. A new Pew Research Center analysis finds pronounced differences in the ratio between men and women living in the largest U.S. metro areas, especially when it comes to singles who have an attractive characteristic: a job.

Our poll published last week found that half (53%) of never-married Americans would like to eventually tie the knot. And among never-married women interested in marriage, 78% said that it is “very important” to them that a potential spouse has a steady job (only 46% of never-married men said the same). Looking at the most recently available census data, we explored the demographics of the “marriage market” based on what women said they want in a spouse.

Employed Women Dating In Usa

Nationwide, single young men outnumber their female counterparts. The overall male-to-female ratio is 115:100 among single adults ages 25 to 34. But when we limit the young men to those who are currently employed, the ratio falls to 84 employed single men for every 100 single women. (We count both young adults who have never been married and those who have been previously married as single or unmarried.)

So, which large metro areas have the best “marriage market”? For women seeking a male partner with a job, our analysis found that San Jose, Calif., tops the list among large metro areas, with 114 single employed men for every 100 single women. Among all single young adults, there were 141 men for every 100 women in this area. Over half (57%) of young adults ages 25 to 34 in the metro area, which includes Sunnyvale and Santa Clara, were single in 2012.

(Our Mapping the Marriage Market interactive displays the results of all available U.S. metro areas, as well as the reverse ratios of employed women to men and all men to all women.)

Also high on the list is the Denver area. The male-to-female ratio is 121:100, and the ratio of employed men to all women is 101:100. Some 56% of young adults in this area were unmarried in 2012.

But even in these top metro areas, young women may find it difficult to find a young single man with a job. The Orlando, Fla., metro area has a sex ratio of 128 single young men to 100 single young women, but the ratio of employed young single men to all young women is only 90:100. The ratios are similar in Pittsburgh and Los Angeles.

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A smaller pool of employed men may not be good news for young women who are looking for a man with a job, but it could be good news for young single men. At the opposite end of the demographic split, we calculated a list of the largest metro areas that have the lowest number of employed young men for every 100 young women.

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Memphis, Tenn., tops this list: only 59 employed young single men for every 100 young single women. Some other metro areas in the bottom ten include Jacksonville, Fla.; Detroit, Mich.; Charlotte, N.C.; and Philadelphia, Pa.

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Note: The metro ranking is based on 43 metro areas with more than 100,000 unmarried young adults ages 25 to 34. You can find a more complete list of metropolitan areas on our map.

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Wendy Wangis a former senior researcher focusing on social and demographic trends at Pew Research Center.